Let’s share what we know

As this pandemic escalates across America, Wireless workers are sending in reports from every corner of the country of store and call center closures, call centers with workers who have developed COVID19, and issues around paid leave during this crisis.
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is creating an atmosphere of confusion and alarm. As the real impact of the virus continues to evolve, wireless companies are changing their policies for workers and our customers, almost daily.
Please use this anonymous form to share what’s happening at your location. We are compiling information about what’s going on around the country, and will share what we learn with you.
From store and call center closings, to deep cleanings to expel the virus, we need to all be aware of what’s happening, and what the company is doing to protect us.
Although there are still a lot of unknowns, together, we can stay informed, stay healthy, and protect one another. Click here to share.T-Mobile Premium Retailers Must Do More to Address Covid-19