T-Mobile Premium Retailers Must Do More to Address Covid-19

Many wireless workers at T-Mobile Premium Retailers and contractors do not have the same emergency benefits for COVID-19 as workers at corporate locations, and are being forced to make excruciating decisions every day. Many workers are being left in the cold when our stores are closed, or if we show symptoms of COVID-19.
Across carriers, wireless workers at authorized retailers and contractors report different benefits from corporate locations. Some workers have been forced to use vacation time or sick time (if we have any). Workers report they are not receiving proper cleaning, PPE, or their stores are not following CDC-recommended safety protocols.
This coronavirus doesn't discriminate between a corporate or franchised location. We demand that workers at TPR's and contractors get the same benefits as corporate employees! Already over 100 people are joining us in adding their name to this petition. Together we can keep our coworkers and our families safe. Join us.
T-Mobile Premium Retailers Must Do More to Address Covid-19