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Petition to the FCC: Save Our Jobs in a T-Mobile-Sprint Merger

As front-line workers in retail sales and call centers, and as telecommunications technicians, we are concerned that the proposed merger between T-Mobile and Sprint will mean the loss of many American jobs, cuts in wages and commissions, and a corresponding reduction in quality to our customers.

Both companies have a track record of closing call centers and retail stores while offshoring  work to other countries and outsourcing to lower wage contractors in the United States. Approval of this deal will add pressure on the new company to lay off hundreds or even thousands of employees.

We believe that keeping good jobs in the US and maintaining the health and stability of this essential industry should be a priority. If you do too, sign our petition to the FCC.

Before approving this merger, we call on you to require solid and verifiable assurances that the new company will not discard the front-line workers who have made T-Mobile and Sprint so successful. The companies must commit to: 

  • Secure our jobs without cuts to compensation,
  • Bring back outsourced jobs from overseas and the US, and
  • Respect our rights on the job by putting an end to labor law violations.

Without guarantees that our jobs will be protected, this merger should be rejected.

Sign the petition now!